Yubari King Melons – $22,872

by 4:17 AM 0 comments

No, these are not the ordinary cantaloupes that you can find in the supermarket. The orange-fleshed Yubari King melons are coveted because of its proportion and sweetness. These items are so in demand that auctions are actually conducted for its purchase. In 2008, over 100 melon fruits from Yubari were on the block. The most perfect of all was the first item put on sale. A businessman who owns a souvenir shop and seafood lunch restaurant made a bid of nearly $23,000 for the honor and privilege of taking home that particular fruit.3
No, these are not the ordinary cantaloupes that you can find in the supermarket. The orange-fleshed Yubari King melons are coveted because of its proportion and sweetness. These items are so in demand that auctions are actually conducted for its purchase. In 2008, over 100 melon fruits from Yubari were on the block. The most perfect of all was the first item put on sale. A businessman who owns a souvenir shop and seafood lunch restaurant made a bid of nearly $23,000 for the honor and privilege of taking home that particular fruit.



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