4. Essie Cosmetics I Do Nail Polish – $55,000

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4. Essie Cosmetics I Do Nail Polish – $55,000


Essie Cosmetics is a nail salon that was established way back in 1981 by Essie Weingarten. Her idea was to create nail polishes with hot and unique colors. More importantly, the colors should be cute and fashionable. She then went about the task of actually producing the product, eventually impressing the fashion and show business world with her new colors. Along with it came a bevy of models and celebrities wanting to try the product.
One of the new colors she has created is the platinum polish. While a normal bottle of the color is sold for an already hefty amount of $250, the company went even a step further by teaming up with Allure magazine and partnering with the Platinum Guild International, or PGI. The company also enlisted the help of Johnson Matthey, a supplier of platinum from the United Kingdom.
The company then asked Henry Dunay, a designer, to help create a special bottle made of platinum that would be manufactured by PGI. The result is a bottle that is made of pure platinum, which is then filled up with the powdered platinum of the nail polish. At the end of it all, you will be buying the product not because of the cute color of the nail polish, but because of the real nice platinum bottle where it is placed.



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