Most Dangerous Animals in the World

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Most Dangerous Animals in the World
They are not the dogs you can ask to fetch or the cats you can cuddle. Neither are they the goldfish or hamsters that your kids can take care of. These animals are best viewed from afar. They are the most dangerous animals in the world.

African Elephant

The largest land animal in the world may seem cute and friendly, but are certainly no Dumbo. They are extremely smart and have long memories brought about by their massive 11-pound brain. They can hear anyone coming from afar because of their big ears. They can smell anything and anyone from a mile away. Not that they would run away from you, as their mammoth size makes them big enough to tangle with anybody, even the mighty lion. And they are unpredictable, sometimes attacking for seemingly no reason from half a kilometer away. They are fast, with speeds that would leave even Usain Bolt in their dust. And they have awesome strength, with the ability to knock down trees with 4-feet thick trunks, or to flip a rhinoceros up to 14 feet above their heads into the air.

African Lion

Lions can grow up to more than 9 feet tall, weigh up to 550 pounds, run over 50 miles per hour over 100 meters, jump up 4 feet into the air, and leap down 40 feet from the top. And they can do all these running and jumping around with a prey in their mouth. If those still do not scare you, lions move around in packs. They hunt by surrounding a target and ambushing it. And they are also smart animals. There have been instances when they have slashed the tires of Safari vehicles carrying tourists. Guides have learned to ward them off by playing recordings of elephants trumpeting and stomping.

Sea Wasp Box Jellyfish

They may look squishy and all, but just try antagonizing them. They are packed with the most lethal venom in the sea. While it only weighs 4.5 pounds, it has 15 tentacles that can reach up to 10 feet. Their venom emits a glow that will scare off other sea creatures. They feed on shrimps, small fishes, and other box jellyfish. Even just a slight sting could cause agonizing pain. Just ask the thousands of victims of jellyfish bites each year. In extreme situations when a victim gets wrapped around the sea wasp’s tentacles, the heart may stop beating within 3 minutes. The muscles may also get paralyzed even sooner than that.

Inland Taipan Snake

This is the counterpart of the sea wasp box jellyfish, in the sense that the inland taipan snake has the most lethal venom on land. The ironic thing about it is that snake actually has a very passive temperament that provided they are devenomized, they actually make good aquarium pets. They feed on rodents and only attack when cornered and provoked. There have been no human deaths recorded from a taipan attack yet, and that’s probably because they are located deep in the outback. But in case an attack happens, good luck to the victim. It can inject up to 110,000 micrograms of venom, when a lethal dose only requires 30 micrograms. The venom contains taipoxin, one of the most powerful natural toxins. An anti venom exists that is 100% guaranteed, but you have to do it within 45 minutes, and even then, you should have a resting pulse. If you run, you will probably drop dead within 300 meters. Remember that this is the outback, and there’s no hospital within 200 miles.

Polar Bear

At 1,500 pounds, a polar bear can actually rip off your head with one swing. They eat elephant seals for breakfast, and those animals are not exactly tiny beings. It is the largest carnivore on land, and is considered the largest bear in the world. Good thing they are limited to the Arctic, where the human population is relatively sparse. Cuddly and cute, but they are dangerous and menacing.


They can breed in the smallest body of water, say, a soda cap. And they breed a lot and they do it fast. They transmit diseases between humans and other animals. West Nile, roundworms, tularemia, dengue, yellow fever, and malaria…these are just some of the diseases that they can transmit. Mosquitoes are tiny but mighty.


Over 20 feet long, weighs 2.5 tons, and can swim more than five times faster than any Olympic 100-meter freestyle champion. It can detect the slightest movement and smell blood from five miles away. It can sense any action because of its sensory organ on the head called the Ampullae of Lorenzini. This allows them an extraordinary sense of perception that even superheroes could only dream of.

Cape Buffalo

This animal can grow up to 2,000 pounds and still run 40 miles per hour for more than 100 meters. They are responsible for more human deaths than any other animal in Africa, often goring or trampling them to death. And the weird thing is that they attack without any need for provocation. It is legal to hunt them in Africa, but hunters usually avoid them because if you miss your shot, the buffalo will make you regret it.

Clostridium Botulinum

It is present everywhere, from the desert to the South Pole, on land and under the sea. No creature is immune to this bacterium. A mere .000001-milligram for every kilogram is enough to kill any organism. A teaspoon has the capacity to kill every American, and 4 kilograms can wipe out the human race. It can survive boiling water for 10 minutes. It’s a good thing that it takes a lot for the bacterium to become active and dangerous. Even if you swallow dirt with this toxin, it still won’t grow because of the acid in your digestive tract.



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